Firefox OS
Firefox OS was Mozilla’s attempt to build a mobile operating system from web technologies. I joined the team to design the initial proof-of-concept, then stayed on as Interaction Design lead for versions 1 and 2. I am particularly proud of the "uniquely web" user experience we 1 defined for version 2. Our objective was the to bring the seamless feel of browsing the web to a mobile OS. The results anticipated features that would become standard in later verisons of Android and iOS, including edge gestures and system-wide search.

Before Firefox OS became a real project, there was a proof-of-concept prototype, built hastily in advance of Mobile World Congress 2012 to show the world that a mobile operating system could be built on the web stack. I joined the effort to help create icons, and ended up designing the full interface. While very rushed (the home screen was slapped togther in one night in a hotel room in Paris) and dated, I think overall it holds up well.

- Gordon Brander and myself↩︎